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Product Calculator

Install the calculator as an App

Install the site as an app using Chrome or Edge to allow the calculator to be installed locally and can be used offline.

Chrome: At the top right, select "More" and then "Cast, save, and share" and finally "Install page as app".

Edge: At the top right, select "Apps" and then "Install this site as an app".

Click the link below to access the standalone PPC Product Calculator website.

Run the Calculator as an executable

Alternatively, download the zip version of the calculator by clicking the link below. Extract the zip file and save the folder locally, and run the executable file to use the calculator in offline mode.

The Product Calculator makes it easier for you to calculate your building materials requirements.
With the calculator you can determine your building materials needs to ensure quality in every build.

Select an application to calculate


PPC provides the calculators in good faith but cannot guarantee the absolute accuracy of the results.