About Us
How we create value
As a leading multinational producer of materials and solutions across sub-Saharan Africa, we deliver quality products and technical services to our customers by focusing on the following elements:
Our unique footprint
High growth, low consumption per capita market with increasing urbanisation
Innovative technologies
Modern asset base and world-class technical capabilities
Environment impact
Actively seeking to minimise the adverse impact of our operations on the environment

Creating value for stakeholders
Strategic focus: As we navigate an increasingly complex operating environment, embedding integrated thinking into our business has become more important than ever. The interconnectedness of the six capitals impacts the way we do business and, ultimately, drives our performance to sustain our purpose. Our business model is shaped by our strategy, stakeholders, material risks and external environment.
Social and relationship capital
At PPC, we consider our customers, communities, suppliers and other stakeholders as business partners. By being dynamic and responsive, we can strengthen our relationships with our communities and invest in meaningful initiatives that advance customer excellence and supplier experience. Being a responsible corporate citizen is part of our DNA.
FY20 | FY19 | |
Rates and taxes paid to governments (Rm) | 48 | 28 |
Procurement from preferential suppliers (Rbn) | 3.3 | 4.1 |
Human capital
Our people are our strength. We empower them by creating a safe, healthy, rewarding and meaningful working environment that allows us to deliver on our purpose. With a personal growth and performance-driven mentality, PPC creates opportunities and provides resources to our employees that enable them to commit to the success of PPC.
FY20 | FY19 | |
Salaries, wages and other benefits paid to employees (Rbn) | 1.7 | 1.6 |
Number of LTIs | 15 | 21 |
Lost-time injury frequency rate (LTIFR) | 0,22 | 0,29 |
Fatalities(1) | 0 | 0 |
(1)We experienced one fatality subsequent to year-end.
Financial capital
We actively manage the pool of funds entrusted to us by our shareholders and lenders, diligently allocating and investing these funds in a way that enhances our financial processes and disciplines to support our operations and create value for all our stakeholders.
FY20 | FY19 | |
EBITDA (Rbn) | 1.6 | 1.9 |
Cash generated from operations (Rbn) | 1.2 | 2,0 |
Group debt (Rbn) | 5,8 | 5,0 |
Gross debt/EBITDA | 3,6 | 2,6 |
Basic earnings per share (EPS) (cents) | (124) | 16 |
Headline earnings per share (HEPS) (cents) | 27 | 20 |
Natural capital
Our commitment to operating a sustainable business includes our efforts to reduce the impact we have on the environment in the regions where we operate. The nature of our business is such that we depend on certain natural resources, and we are ensuring that we use these resources responsibly. We remain focused on reducing carbon footprint, managing air quality and water resources, as well as proactive land and resource stewardship.
FY20 | FY19 | |
CO2 – emissions (000 tonnes) | 2591.4* | 3313.3* |
Energy consumption# (TJ) | 10 776* | 13 989* |
Water used* (million m3) | 3.3 | 3.7 |
Dust emissions# (tonnes) | 77* | 267* |
NOx emissions# (tonnes) | 6 270* | 8 648* |
SOx emissions# (tonnes) | 451* | 693* |
General waste generated* (tonnes) | 2 716* | 2 674* |
*Group #South Africa only
Manufactured capital
Our manufactured capital refers to our assets. Plants, factories and quarries are an essential part of our business. We have systematically invested in our property, plant and equipment to take advantage of growth opportunities and to identify areas with potential for expansion. We remain focused on improving efficiencies and maintaining our infrastructure as an ongoing priority.
FY20 | FY19 | |
Cement (kt) | 4 968 | 5 890 |
Lime (kt) | 494 | 556 |
Aggregates (kt) | 2 276 | 3 028 |
Readymix | 569 | 629 |
Fly Ash | 612 | 689 |
*Limited assurance
Intellectual capital
We understand that constant innovation is critical to delivering quality products and services at the lowest possible cost. Hence, consistent product and process improvements help us enhance the way we do business – improving environmental impacts, operational efficiencies and reducing the cost of production.